19 Sep & 10 Oct 2020 - London
Celebrating World Mental Health Day
To mark World Mental Health Day 2020, Youmanity has partnered with KeolisAmey Docklands to deliver Davide Giordani and Pietro Rocchetta Casadio's ReflectingYOU Project.
Using mirrors, Davide and Pietro will attempt to demonstrate that humans share far more characteristics than they would like to admit.
There is no question that we come from several different ethnic backgrounds, but we all experience at some point in our lives different forms of mental illness. For some people this can be a pervasive and debilitating experience.
On 10th October, passengers traveling through Heron Quays will be invited to ‘switch’ places with fellow passengers they have not met before. By switching places they won’t need to switch jobs and/or move into each other’s homes. What will really happen is that photographers Davide Giordani and Pietro Rocchetts Casadio will place a camera at such an angle that passengers’ head and body will get swapped around. Commuters stopping at Heron Quays will most probably swap gender, ethnicity and general appearance - through a clever photographic illusion!
“ReflectingYOU promises to be an innovative interactive event in which two people become one. A great and simple way to demonstrate that despite our differences, we are made of the same substance, part of the same picture - or portrait! There won’t be any tricks. Just a mirror, a photographer and the concourse at Heron Quays. We are very excited to host such a project on the DLR network” explains Marie Popon, Customer Experience Project Manager, KAD.
Social distancing - A twelve-meter distance between subjects will be required by the photographer to capture the planned composites. Our team of volunteers will ensure that groups no larger than six people will be briefed for the ReflectingYOU shoot.
About Youmanity - We work hard to celebrate equality, support social inclusion and promote human rights by delivering cultural projects throughout the year. The promotion of social inclusion is central to the aims of YOUMANITY. With this in mind, several cultural projects are devised and delivered every year. To raise awareness of current social issues. To foster a dialogue between different communities & cultures through the arts.
Saturday 10th October :11am > 7pm
All welcome, join us and… DRESS TO IMPRESS!
March 2020
We are delighted and proud to announce our partnership with Youmanity, a registered charity founded in London, designed to celebrate multiculturalism, support social integration and promote human rights.
“Diversity is an aspect of human existence that cannot be eradicated by terrorism or war or self-consumed hatred. It can only be conquered by recognising and claiming the wealth of values it represents for all.
Cultural diversity is at the heart of Youmanity. We believe that the differences between people and communities should be celebrated as unifying factors as opposed to devisive boundaries. People should be encouraged to keep their own language as well as being encouraged to speak the universal language of respect and consideration for others' customs and traditions.”
7 Feb > 10 June - London
@The Conference Centre, St Pancras Hospital
Loudest Whispers is a London’s art exhibition for the LGBT community and is part of Camden LGBT Forum‘s programme of events for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans History Month UK.
The exhibition will feature work by a mix of professionally trained and self-taught LGBT artists - the eleventh edition of Loudest Whispers has attracted a record breaking number of over 50 artists.
Don’t miss A Midwinter Night’s Dream, on the 7th February, the official launch of Camden & Islington LGBT History Month organised by forum+ and the opening of the eleventh edition of Loudest Whispers curated by The Arts Project.
Keep the date free for an evening inspired by poetry, prose and plays, and join us at The Conference Centre, St Pancras Hospital, 4 St Pancras Way, London NW1 0PE.
Monday > Friday : 9am > 5pm
29 Oct > 3 Nov 2019 - London
ReflectingYOU has been selected to be part of “Looking The Other Way 2”.
Following the 2018 success of Looking the Other Way, an exhibition by London Gay Photographers Network as part of East London Photomonth, the group presents an exciting new collection of work at Espacio Gallery > 159 Bethnal Green Road, E2 7DG London.
Building on the eclectic mix of styles and subjects in the 2018 show, this year’s exhibition, Looking the Other Way 2, once again celebrates diversity both in front of and behind the camera.
The Gay Photographers Network has provided a collaborative environment for its members to present, discuss and share photography for over 10 years with regular forums and exhibitions in central London and wider access through social media.
Tuesday > Saturday : 1pm > 7pm - Sunday : 1pm > 5pm
11 > 23 Oct 2019 - London
ReflectingYOU has been selected to be part of “Synergic” - an exhibition which is about achieving more by working together.
Art Number 23 and Ovalo Galeria de Arte are joining forces to create a cultural link between two continents - UK-based and Latin American galleries - bring artists together and embrace our similarities and differences.
Please, join us at The Old Biscuit Factory, 100 Clements rd, Block F, SE16 4DG, London on the 11th October 2019!
7 > 28 May 2015 - Bologna
An incredible venue which hosted the first exhibition of ReflectingYOU, Senape is a urban nursery and a concept store - and probably much more - based in the historical centre of the city of Bologna.
The final result was a combination of a humanistic series of photographs and a beautiful selection of plants and trees, enough for evoking the deep relationship between human beings and their environment.
The photographs were curated as an interactive exhibition-performance, where the artists set up a studio and invite the visitors to participate in the experience in front of the camera, becoming part of the art itself.